MakerLab in the battle for the state crown in the Jugend forscht competition

Jugend forscht Plakat 2024Four projects from the Jugend forscht MakerLab at at Schuldorf Bergstraße won their category in the regional competition at the beginning of February and will now compete again in the state competition. The state competition "Schüler experimentieren" took place in Kassel from March 16 to 17. From March 20 to 21, the state competition in the "Jugend forscht" category takes place at Merck in Darmstadt for pupils aged 15 and over.

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Cambridge IGCSE 2024-2026

Dear parents, Please click HERE to find more information about the Cambridge IGCSE programme at Secondary.

IB diploma programme 2024 – 2026

IB INFO PICAfter the presentation of our IB DP on open day with more than 70 guests, you can re-read the presentation HERE for further details.

External applicants should also read the “conditions of admission” following the “Admission” menu.

IB Coordinator W. Scheuerpflug

Open Day at SISS Secondary – Schuldorf Bergstraße

We would love to see you all in our school branch building 41 on Open Day, February 3rd, from 10 AM to 1 PM.

You can meet with our staff members, visit all the subject rooms, enjoy a wide range of presentations and performances, do experiments and get all the information you want while supporting our IB students in their bakesale for their IB ceremony. Please check out the overview of all the events HERE.

W.Scheuerpflug (Co-Head and IB Coordinator)

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