Renewed life science funding for students of the Jugend forscht MakerLab

Foto Maren und MarleenMaren Teltschick and Marleen Löber have been part of the Heidelberg Life Science Lab's support programme since August this year. The Life-Science Lab is an institution of the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg and aims to support particularly interested and talented middle and high school pupils and students in the fields of mathematics, science and technology. The focus is on the life sciences, which characterise the Heidelberg location to a particular degree.

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MakerLab student awarded twice

makerlab24Science and technology are continuously advancing in the modern world, and for effective education of the public about complex scientific topics, one needs to get creative. A great way to do so is using art as a medium. Misha Hegde, a student in 10b SISS won two awards for her artworks at the Heidelberger Life Science Lab.

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SISS IB DP May 2024 Results

IB GRADUATES 2024Congratulations to all our 29 IB students who have successfully3 GRADUATES 2024 finished their two-year IB diploma programme this summer of 2024!

You can find the detailed results and statistics HERE.

IB coordinator SISS Secondary

W. Scheuerpflug

Walkathon - Laufen für einen guten Zweck

walkathonDer 13. jährliche Walkathon an unserer State International School Seeheim war ein bemerkenswertes Ereignis, das unsere Gemeinschaft zusammenbrachte, um einen guten Zweck zu unterstützen und etwas zurückzugeben. In diesem Jahr unterstützten wir die Wohltätigkeitsorganisation WellBoring, die sich der Bereitstellung sauberer Wasserlösungen widmet. Mit ihrer Hilfe planen wir, einen Brunnen für eine Schule in Kenia zu bauen.

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