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School Starters’ First Day on TUESDAY, 18 August 2020

Dear Parents of SISS School Starters,

We are looking forward to welcoming your children on Tuesday, 18 August 2020 for their first day of school. The official school welcome reception begins this year in our Primary Hall (building 40 on the Schuldorf premises).

In the light of the current COVID-19 situation, we need to adhere to the hygiene regulations currently in place. Therefore, we will welcome the new first graders in four shifts and proceed as follows:

“First-day-of-school celebration” / new first graders in Primary Hall

Year 1a Terrific Tigers 9.00 am – 9.45 am
Year 1b Happy Hedgehogs 10.00 am – 10.45 am
Year 1c Perfect Penguins 11.00 am – 11.45 am
Year 1d Lucky Lions 12.00 pm – 12.45 pm


We regret to inform you that there will be no ecumenical church service held before the actual school celebration this year.

The “First-day-of-school celebration” of your children ends according to the relevant shift, as stated in the above timetable. Your children will be waiting with their class teachers in the playground area or the hall (in case of bad weather) to be picked up.

Please note:

• When entering the school premises – also outside on the playground – and during the whole ceremony, it is required that the new first graders and accompanying persons wear a facial mask. Only inside the classroom the children will be allowed to take it off.

• There is a one way system to enter the hall:
ENTRANCE is from the side of the playground.
EXIT is via the emergency door opposite the entrance doors.

• In order to ensure a smooth succession of the following shifts, the parents are kindly requested to leave with their children the school grounds immediately af-ter the celebration ending. No gathering will be allowed on the playground.

• The attached registration form regarding the number and names of your child´s accompanying persons needs to be filled in and returned (via email) to the SISS Primary Office prior to the event, latest Monday 17 Au-gust 2020.

• The attached Health Declaration needs to be provided on Tuesday, 18 Au-gust when entering the building. Access cannot be granted otherwise.

• Sorry, no class photos will be possible.

As a general guideline all children who are unwell must stay at home. In this case, please inform in time the SISS Primary Office:
Email: or
phone : 06257 9703-50.

We hope your family is looking forward to this new chapter in your lives and we wish you all a good start at SISS Primary.

Kind regards,


Uta Wetterich and the Flexible Lower Primary Team