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Sports festival 2023

Sporttag Start 24.May 2023 SISS Primary Was it a great day?

The Christian Stock Stadium was buzzing with activity on 24 May. The children from the Grundschulzweig and Siss Primary celebrated the sports festival together.

In the weeks before, they had practised a lot in sports lessons. Finally, the time had come: no arithmetic, no writing, no reading, no German and no English - instead, sprinting, jumping, throwing and long-distance running were on the schedule, with time for picnics and fun and games.

Sporttag Werfen 24.MAy 2023 SISS PrimaryA big thank you to all the helpers who made this day possible - the parents, grandparents, teachers, supervisors, the “FriendsofSISS” Assosciation for the refreshing ice cream! And last but not least, our special thanks go to our three sports coordinators Mrs Heitsch, Mrs Keller and Mrs Braun for their careful planning, preparation and flawless execution of the event.

It was a great day!!!

Text and Pictures: U. Wetterich