4a DD Class Trip to the Experiminta Museum

EXPERIMINTA SchattentheaterOn Thursday, 23 March 23, the children of 4aDD were very excited as they entered the bus heading to Frankfurt to spend the day in the Experiminta museum. We were greeted by two tour guides who took care of us for the whole day and who showed us to our own room where we would spend the first part of our booked tour and where the first experiments immediately took place.

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Laterne, Laterne - Sonne, Mond und Sterne

Lanternwalk 2Finally the time has come again - our Lower Primary children have been busy making lanterns and practising the lantern songs in their music classes.


On 11.11.22 at 6.00 p.m. the children and parents gathered in the school yard.
Together, we started the lantern festival by singing lantern songs, accompanied by Mina, Amelie, Adrian and Caitlin (guitar), Lily (flute) Misha (saxophone) and Utako (oculele) from SISS Secondary under the direction of Mrs Schürmann.

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