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Renewed life science funding for students of the Jugend forscht MakerLab

Foto Maren und MarleenMaren Teltschick and Marleen Löber have been part of the Heidelberg Life Science Lab's support programme since August this year. The Life-Science Lab is an institution of the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg and aims to support particularly interested and talented middle and high school pupils and students in the fields of mathematics, science and technology. The focus is on the life sciences, which characterise the Heidelberg location to a particular degree.

Maren Teltschick is in the E phase of the grammar school programme and is already in her third year of researching a scientific question of her choice in the Jugend forscht MakerLab. ‘My motivation for applying to the Life Science Lab was firstly my great interest in the diversity of science, but also the offer of an astrophysics working group, as I hope this will give me a comprehensive and scientific insight into the profession I would like to pursue later’, Maren said.

Marleen Löber is eagerly awaiting the first offers and says: ‘I'm delighted to have been accepted by this programme and hope to gain lots of valuable experience.’ Marleen has been researching dark fermentation in the MakerLab for six months and is in year 10 of the secondary school programme.

At the suggestion of the Jugend forscht project supervisor team, both students applied for the life science funding programme in the spring and then successfully completed the selection process in the summer.

We would like to congratulate them both and wish them lots of fun on the trail of natural phenomena!

Text and Picture: Dr. Petra Leidert

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