
Dear Parents,

The International School is a full day school. Our children spend a large portion of their life in school. Because of that it is so important to develop school as a place to live in, a "Lebensort". Part of our work is to provide such a place for the children and taylor it to fit their needs. Through our work, we would like to make it possible that the children have time, space and room in which they can develop their physical, emotional and social health and well-being. Supervision work goes beyond offering activties and supervision (before and after school care). In the following pages you will find our offering of supervision and activities for this year. Supervision time in the afternoon is from 3.00pm to 6.00pm. Before the afternoon program begins the children who are registered for supervision come together in the SV rooms, (primary: first floor), to have "Circle Time" to talk about the day and share information with one another. The teachers will bring the primary children who are not picked up to the supervision circle at 3:05. During circle time (3:05-3:30) the children cannot be picked up. Flexible Supervision means open play-time during the SV Time, children are not involved in a specific club. If you collect children during flexible supervision, please calculate a few minutes for children to tidy up their toys or work. Please remember to provide an exception notice in the SV mailbox whenever your child is not participating in SV (club or flexible SV) as usual. Because of problems in the past we have decided to charge a fee if Supervision has not been cancelled in time and we would have to spend time to contact parents. This takes away time which could be spent with the children. Therefore, we will charge 5€ each time this happens. Supervision finishes at 6 p.m. sharp and children will not be supervised after this time. In case of late pick ups, we are obliged to charge a fee of 3€ for every 5 minutes to pay for overtime. The secondary classes will have their own starting session in the afternoon in the secondary supervision room on the third floor. Secondary students can join spontaneously the Supervision Time. They should check in and out verbally Sv raum Supervisor. If a Sec Student signed in for a club or flexible sv he/she has to excuse themselve when he she don't come on a signed up day. If sec Parents wants to be informed about the unexcused absence of their child please give us notice. Yours Supervision Team New Email Address: supervision (at) Mobile: 0152 26 05 93 75 (available from 15.30 - 18.00)

SISS IB DP May 2024 Results

IB GRADUATES 2024Congratulations to all our 29 IB students who have successfully3 GRADUATES 2024 finished their two-year IB diploma programme this summer of 2024!

You can find the detailed results and statistics HERE.

IB coordinator SISS Secondary

W. Scheuerpflug

Walkathon - Laufen für einen guten Zweck

walkathonDer 13. jährliche Walkathon an unserer State International School Seeheim war ein bemerkenswertes Ereignis, das unsere Gemeinschaft zusammenbrachte, um einen guten Zweck zu unterstützen und etwas zurückzugeben. In diesem Jahr unterstützten wir die Wohltätigkeitsorganisation WellBoring, die sich der Bereitstellung sauberer Wasserlösungen widmet. Mit ihrer Hilfe planen wir, einen Brunnen für eine Schule in Kenia zu bauen.

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Heidelberg Excursion

siss heidelbergOn the 4th of June, the year 9 Classes have embarked on an educational trip to the university town of Heidelberg. This excursion was planned as a break for the student in the wake of upcoming exams.

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