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Youth Unstoppable! - Schulkinowochen am Schuldorf

Screenshot 320Im Zeitraum vom 28. Juni bis zum 9. Juli 2021 haben mehrere Lerngruppen des Schuldorfs an dem kostenlosen Digitalangebot des bundesweiten Projekts „Schulkinowochen“ teilgenommen. Ein englischsprachiger Film und ein Workshop als Nachbereitung waren in diesem Schuljahr aufgrund der Pandemie kostenlos und durften an der Schule stattfinden.

Im Fokus des Online-Programms in englischer Sprache stand die Umwelt, die dank des neuen Doku-Films „Youth Unstoppable“, über den Aufstieg der globalen Jugend-Klimabewegung, vielen Schüler*innen des Schuldorfes unter die Haut gegangen ist.

In der Klasse G8d haben wir in den Englischstunden den Film angeschaut und während des Workshops darüber reflektiert. Anna-Luise Poth schreibt:
„Youth unstoppable is heart-warming documentary about a global movement, trying to save the world from global warming. The Youth Climate Movement was founded by young leaders in 1992 when the first COP 1 (Conference of the Parties) has been held. The membership consists mostly of the youth all around the globe. They also have a catching phrase: “Youth unstoppable! Another world is possible!”, that means in German “Die Jugend ist unaufhaltbar! Eine andere Welt is möglich! “In the documentary a young woman, (Slater Jewell-Kemker), showed us the irresponsibility of the world’s leadership, the evolving moment of those who care and the frustration of ever failing attempts to stop the climate change. Every year she documented what was going on and what was changing or not.”

Leni Brinkmann, ebenso Schülerin der G8d, ergänzt: "Personally, I was very happy that we watched a film about climate change in school, because I am very interested in the subject. It is a very important topic for every person. In addition, I find the film very expressive, personal and honest. I like that a lot. I think Slater is an extraordinarily strong and courageous girl. However, I didn't like so much that Slater travelled by plane a lot in the film, even though the plane is very harmful to the environment. She could also have travelled by boat. That takes longer, but especially when you are complaining to politicians like that, you shouldn't do something like that in my opinion. Greta Thunberg, for example, always travels by boat or train. She accepts that it might take a little longer. I find that quite impressive. Slater is an idol for many children. On the one hand, she wants the politicians to finally deal with the issue of climate change intensively, on the other hand, she flies by plane to many different countries. I find it quite contradictory. Despite all that, I think Slater is a strong and courageous girl. The film made me realise what climate change is doing and why it is so important to do something. We have to do something about climate change together now, because soon it will be too late."

Aber auch mit der G8b haben wir im Rahmen unseres Europa-Projekts „Going Green“ den bewegenden Film „Youth Unstoppable“ in den bilingualen PoWi-Stunden zusammen geschaut. Anschließend haben die Schüler*innen am 9. Juli 21 im Klassenverband an dem englischsprachen Workshop zum Film teilgenommen und somit unser Projekt „Going Green“ abgeschlossen.

Lauren Bennet schreibt über den englischsprachigen Workshop geleitet von Herrn Namè, vom Deutschen Filminstitut &8b 2 Filmmuseum: „Our class G8b had a workshop on the 9th of July about the movie „Youth unstoppable”, which we watched together in our PoWi lessons. The workshop was led by Mr Namè from the German Movie Museum and was about 90 minutes long. In this time Mr Namè asked us questions about the movie and opinions on some points. He also explained us the message of the movie and some important words like “the” science, climate emergency, denials, and others. I personally enjoyed the workshop; I think it was very informative and inspiring. I also enjoyed us talking about our opinions on important things. Us younger kids do not often get the chance to talk about our opinion on important politic topics, so it was great. One thing I would have liked is, some more interaction, for example games because after a while of only listening you get bored. But all in all, I think it was good and inspiring, the whole workshop and the movie and it gave you the chance to see that we all together can save the earth.”

Lea Nottenkämper ergänzt: “I found the movie and the workshop really interesting, because it shows how terrible the climate change and the consequences are. I also found it really good how the youth came together and wanted to change something.”

Ein gemeinsames Bild der G8b mit Frau Cipressi-Hoheisel und Herrn Namé haben wir als Erinnerung an dieser besonderen Event gemacht (siehe oben). 

Auch Schüler*innen der SISS haben „Youth Unstoppable“ gesehen und darüber reflektiert: Frau Obermeier hat den Film in der Klasse 10a gezeigt und Shreeva Muthurai hat wie folgendes kommentiert:
“Youth Unstoppable highlights the power of the young generation in saving the future of our planet. The story revolves around 15-year-old Slater Jewell-Kemker and her journey to become a filmmaker through her commitment to stop climate change. We watch her grow from a determined teenager into a fierce, young woman, as she tackles demonstrations, protests and conferences. In this ten-year journey, Slater travels around the world, raising funds to go to conferences in places such as Cancun and Copenhagen. She attends the COP - a supreme decision-making body of the UN Convention on Climate Change. Whilst there, she meets others like her who are eager to get their voices heard too. What I particularly loved about this documentary was that the story was told from the perspective of the younger generation to spread awareness about the lack of respect and representation for youth opinion by the adult influencers. My hats off to Slater for turning such a personal experience into an educational and motivating film! For this reason, I rate this film 5 out of 5 stars. Just from watching it, it has inspired me to stand up and get my voice heard too!”

Last but not least, haben auch an der SISS Schüler*innen der 9b in den Politics-Stunden den Film angeschaut und sich damit intensiv beschäftigt, wie Sie einige kreative Beiträge dazu zeigen können (siehe Titelbild und Anhang).

Der Kommentar von Tejasvi Chander ist eine Zusammenfassung aller Eindrücke, die dieser besondere Film und die Workshops bei uns hinterlassen haben: „The documentary also mentions Friday for Future, weekly protests children and teenagers attended to bring light to the -quite literally- burning issue. Adults who know and see the issue happening right in front of them disregarded it until an overwhelming amount of children flooded the streets, even though the governments ignored the issue. Isn’t it sad how kids are rarely taken seriously, but often do the most to help others and their future? We want a future as well, we want to help change the world. Changes need to be done in all aspects of life, quick and drastic to have a lasting effect. Humans were the last species to set foot on the planet, yet we are the first to ruin it. If we want any hopes for a bright future, for ourselves, for our loved ones, our family and the environment, we have to change and we have to do it now”.

Artikel und Beiträge von Giulia Cipressi-Hoheisel, Kimberly Obermeier und Schüler*innen der 8b- und 8d-Gym und der 10a- und 9b-SISS


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